Pin Cushions
Dear Stitch Diaries, I have been crafting for 42 years and only recording them for about the last 20. I will be loading as many as I possibly can. I have so many from years past and of course I keep creating. So needless to say I will not be posting things in chronological order, but rather when ever I feel like loading what ever I want. Oh yes, the freedom of that sentence. I have not always been able to accept such freedom! Some would say uptight, I would just say picky. My life has always seemed to crave an exact order. As a small child with my room always clean. Everything had a place. Even my books were in alphabetical order, or numerical order, or order by color according to the rainbow. Which ever I preferred at the time. I believe that having 4 children helped cure me of such things. You can drive yourself crazy if you cant learn to let some things go. Today I am going to share my adventure with making Pin Cushions. Who would have thought ...