A Pioneer Legacy
A Pioneer Legacy
Dear Stitch Diaries,
What makes us who we are? Hopefully you are blessed with a close family where you can see everyone you are so much like. I have my Aunt Linda's sense of humor, her sense of style, and I sing to myself all day long. I have my mother's looks, her sense of worry, and a touch of her class. I have my Aunt Clarice's ability to love anyone and everyone, her fierce sense to protect the ones she loves, and the ability to make you feel better than when I found you. I have so many more things about me that I see in other family members.... too long to list. It is a legacy. It comes with good traits and bad ones. I have spent my life working on making the good ones my main qualities and overcoming the bad ones. My life is a work in progress, and at the age of 48, I still feel like an infant in this endeavor.
In the year of 2012, we had the opportunity to go on a pioneer trek with our church. At first I was so excited about it. I had always wanted to do this. Seriously! Why? I am not a hiker, I am a fair weather, shady road, walker at best! My heart longed to do this though. I had been told many stories at the knee of my grandparents and great grand parents about their beloved family members and their struggle to flee persecutions for their religious beliefs in a country that was supposed to protect that. Their fear. Their sadness. Their strength. I had gratitude to them. I knew that going on this trek was not even going to be 1/10 what they went through but I felt like it could teach us something.
So go we did! I shopped at thrift stores to try to find us accurate clothing to look the part. In true Bobbie style I couldn't wear the browns and greens of that time. I knew that this was going to be tough and that I would need a moral boost, for myself and for others. I found the brightest fabric I could when I made mine and my daughters aprons and bonnets. I was not about to get lost or left behind. I could be seen a far way off! Who needs a whistle when you glow in the dark?
We traveled in 4 large companies. Each company had 4 to 5 families. What was so unique about this experience was that it was whole families, including elderly and babies. Our youngest was 4. The closest you can get to authentic. This event is usually just done with youth 12 to 18. Taking our whole family was so amazing! Each of us grew so much during this 3 day event.
We walked through fields, up hills, and on dirt roads. Our feet hurt so bad because of the small pebbles making the road uneven. We preferred the fields. The tall grass left oil from the wheels as small black lines on our clothes. Our clothes got caught and tore on bushes and stained as we stumbled. I took pictures excited to scrapbook this memory. As I looked at our clothes, I heard others say they were going to throw them away when they got home. I couldn't agree with them. I told them that I was going to think of a way to remember this experience for a long time after.
The beautiful consequences of this event were such a blessing to our family. No cell phones for my teenagers for just 3 days was so good for them. They started to reconnect. We completed something very hard as a family. We helped other families take care of their babies, their elderly, and grew closer as neighbors. On our final day as I walked behind my family looking at our stained and tore clothes, it came to me. Now understand, I am not a quilter! I am crafty! BUT!!! I was going to make our clothes, stains and all, into a quilt. Not just any quilt. I printed pictures onto muslin, I had embroidered things I drew onto muslin. A big comforting item that would help us remember this time always.

As a Legacy Member of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, I recognize the gift that my ancestors gave me and my family. I am grateful for their sacrifice for us. They didn't just help me. They helped to develop a wild and harsh land for others who came behind into a beautiful place to be. I decided to make a pattern for everyone to enjoy the hand embroidered parts of this quilt. In case anyone wonders, my squares are 7 1/2" finished. Enjoy my pattern Pioneer Legacy

Available for purchase at indebquiltshop.com
Happy Crafting!