
Showing posts from November, 2023

The Stitch Diaries begins

Dear Stitch Diaries,  In all things there is a beginning. In most things there are many beginnings. Such is my life. I find that most people I know, get frustrated by this, and I get it. Life has taught me a very important lesson that forever changed my outlook on this. Just because a great idea does not take flight, does not mean that it was not a great idea. It simply was not the right time. Often times you were lacking something; time, money, motivation, and so on. I have had many great ideas in my pocket that later, as my life matured, were able to fall into place and take off. Some of them even took off at the time but didn't last long, and while serving a good purpose at the time, needed to rest for a season.   This crafting blog was one such idea. I had moved away from some of my best crafting friends and we missed crafting together. I have firmly believed that crafting with friends always makes your projects better, and longer, and more expensive, but most importantly bette